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By Scott Burgess February 25, 2025
A few months ago, we received a generous offer. One we could not refuse. A loyal customer hooked us up with a friend who runs a restaurant in Germany specializing in Franconian food. "Would you like to see if I can set up a visit where you guys can get some behind-the-scenes looks at how it's all done?" "Would we?!?" "Yes. Would you?" "We would!" And so after some wrangling and reserving and rearranging of schedules, we sent our head chef, Brent, and our head brewer, Justin, off to Franconia on Sunday. What is the point of all this? Well, as you know, at Bierkeller we always aim for authenticity. It's kind of our thing. And so we go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure it. We've done this with our beer for years. Decades really. And, so, when we realized after a few months of being open that we weren't a simple brewery with snacks, but a real, live restaurant, too, well...we knew we had some work to do. And the only way to truly learn about the source of our inspiration is to spend some time there. So this offer was more than serendipitous. It was kind of a godsend. As I type, the boys have just finished their first shift at a restaurant called the Schäufelewärtschaft in Nuremberg. We have them focusing on classics. Classics we make here. And are always looking to improve upon until we feel like we're providing the most authentic food and experience around. Thus, they are working on perfecting things like potato dumplings (Kartoffelklösse), Jägersoße (mushroom gravy), Jägerschnitzel (self-explanatory), and even new dishes such as Schäufele and Sauerbraten. Meanwhile, they'll be roaming the streets trying out other classics such as Bratwürste, Leberkäs, Currywurst, and, of course, Döner. And we plan to bring all of the knowledge and experience they gather from finally being at the source back to you, Columbi-Ja. And to unveil it all with a new menu and experience, coming very soon (11 March, to be precise). We can't wait to see what else they explore and learn. And we'll plan to keep you posted as we get updates. Prost and Mahlzeit, y'all!
By Scott Burgess January 15, 2025
NEWS Greetings, Bierkeller friends, fans, and family. We're sliding into the new year well (as the Germans say), and hope you are all, too. As you've no doubt noticed, we've changed our hours for the Winter season. We now close on Tuesdays. But not to worry, all you Token Tuesday discount devotees. We are now honoring those on Fridays. So... WELCOME $5 HALF-LITER FRIDAYS! That's right. Just $5 gets the weekend started right. And our $2.50 tokens help you stock up early for the weekend. So... see you soon (i.e. Friday), Columb-Ja! ICYMI Speaking of announcements, we recently posted our COMPLETE 2025 YEARLY EVENT SCHEDULE on our Website. Just navigate your curious selves to www.bierkellercolumbia.com/events and check it out. Oktoberfest, yes. But new events, too. Including an entire week devoted to German beer in April and our next big event, February's Fasching! EVENTS That's right, Fasching -- what the Bavarians, specifically, call Carnival/Madri Gras -- is just around the corner. We'll have costumes and kids' fun and music and more. Look for our Facebook event page soon, and don't forget to indicate "going" and share. ESSEN UND TRINKEN Do you follow us on Instagram and Facebook? instagram.com/bierkellercolumbia facebook.com/bierkellercolumbia if so, you know that this week we are breaking out the winter favorite Sauerbraten. Pair with a Rauchbock or a Weizenbock before these are gone. We are also working on debuting a Stachelbier. What's a Stachelbier, you ask? It's this: Augustiner Stachelbier. Looks fun, no? We agree! UPCOMING As mentioned: our Czech Polotmavy and our Leichtbier (Sommerbier) are both on the horizon, and we've got our Bierhall ready to host private parties. Interested in reserving? Reach out to events@bierkellercolumbia.com and we'll get the ball rolling for you. Prost!
By Scott Burgess January 1, 2025
Over the past year, when people would ask me how we are doing, I usually defaulted to a recent meme. Pictured in it are two Olympic shooters: one all decked out in gear and looking tense, and the other in a t-shirt and looking extremely chill. The meme read (respectively): Small business owners in Year 1 Small business owners in Year 5 For most of 2024, I felt like Olympian #1. Recently I've begun to feel a bit more like Olympian #2. That's a good thing. Because I can be my own toughest critic. Admittedly our goals are lofty. Create a brand new destination. Help develop the riverfront. Educate our fellow Columbians on German bier, food, and culture. Establish traditions (seasonal and year-round) that will carry on far into the future. Celebrate our city and its people. While I honestly feel like we are accomplishing these goals -- step by step...day by day -- we certainly aren't resting on our laurels (more about those, below). And we've had some hiccups for sure. But in all, we are on track. Below we outline some highlights of the past 12 months. And know that, throughout it all, we have seen that none of this would be possible without all of you. So, Prost! Columbi-ja! To you. To all of us. To the Riverfront. To German bier. To our city. To 2024. And to 2025. And beyond. ACCOLADES We were honored to receive in our very first year a few awards. From the Free-Times, we were chosen Best Brewpub. We were runners up in Best New Bar/Club. And our humble founder and owner, won writers' choice for Best Local Business Owner. In Columbia Metropolitan Magazine we were voted runner up as Best Brewery. And in the inaugural Restaurant Olympic Summer Games, hosted by our friends at Hampton Street Vineyard, we won three medals. Cheers to the good folks who voted for us and to these publications and organizations! EVENTS Our annual Oktoberfest and Weihnachtsmarkt Christmas Markets were, again, the biggest draws. But we broke out some new traditions for y'all that were successful beyond all expectations. Chief among these was probably our June Bratfest. What fun! But also, our February/March Fasching Party; our Bock & Roll Bockbier and Music Fest; our Vatertag and Armed Forces Celebration; our Mother's Day Market and Wine Down; our Anniversary Party; and our inaugural Canalfest were all hits. Wanna know what's on the horizon in 2025? Sign up for notifications by texting PROST to 85100, or simply follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram. CULTURE AND COMMUNITY We also couldn't have enjoyed near the success we did without our multiple partners and collaborators. Whether the Columbia World Affairs Council with its Taste of the World event; the SC Brewers' Guild with its Beer Fest, the City of Columbia Animal Shelter with its Pups and Pints adoptions; the Congaree Riverkeeper with clean ups, the Columbia Parks and Recreation Department and their citizen counterpart, the Parks and Recreation Foundation; or the Governors Office, Gov McMaster, Sheriff Lott, and other local leaders with Workout Warriors. Or just the City of Columbia, and especially the office of Economic Development and Ryan Coleman. We'd be remiss not to mention our host, the Beach Company; our neighbors at Sola Station; our friends at UCB Bank; and other partner organizations such as Carolina Wildlife Center; Sandlapper BMW Club; Bauknight, Pietras & Stormer; GACC South; the Columbia Chamber of Commerce; The Jasper Project; ColaJazz; and others. We look forward to working with all of you (and more) in the coming years. ESSEN UND TRINKEN Bier. It's what we do. It's what we love. Not just the drink. The Biergarten setting. The Bierzelt tables and benches. The German ceramic steins and glass mugs. The seasonal fests. The whole dang culture and community and Gemütlichkeit it creates. It's our immense pleasure to brew the beverages that both accompany all these occasions and gently guide you through the days and weeks. We've kept up with our flagship Kellerbier, Weissbier, and (to a less-frequent degree) Kölsch; we've also broken out some familiar and new seasonal friends such as our spring Bockbier, Fastenbier, and Magerbier Helles; our summer Pilsner, Sommerbier, and Jubiläumsbier; our fall Festbier, Rauchbier, and Urhell; and now our Winter Rauchbock, Winterweizen, and Czech Amber Polotmavy. Wanna know what's coming when? Again, just sign up for our mailing list or follow us on social media for more soon. We have also developed a new menu we will be debuting in the new year. You see, we thought we were opening a brewery with basic snacks. Turns out, we were opening a restaurant, too. And for those of you who didn't know (i.e., me), restaurants are hard work. And we've worked hard. To expand our offerings. To dial in recipes. To respond to your suggestions. And, again, we feel like we're more and more getting it right. But (again, again) we won't rest until we do. So, some changes have been made, and we'll be revealing more details on these very soon. Look for an updated and improved menu in the near future. UPCOMING We are heading right back into the seasonal swing with our February Fasching Party planning. But before that, we have a couple new beers to release: our Czech Polotmavy and our Leichtbier (Sommerbier). We'll soon be creating educational videos on beers and more and posting to our new YouTube channel. We've got our Bierhall ready to host private parties, and are working out the details on new private catering packages. We're launching more beers into distrbution, and we're getting our bottling processes back in order. So look for us in your favorite local bars, too. And look into what we can do for your organization's private functions by filling out a private event inquiry form for 2025 on our website at www.bierkellercolumbia.com/events. Most of all, we look forward to seeing all of your faces in our Bierhall and, before you know it, the Biergarten windows -- at our little slice of heaven along the Columbia riverfront. We love welcoming y'all, whether it's at a party, a planned fest, a proper happy hour, or anytime you can make it down. To help us create and carry on these new traditions, reach out any time to events@bierkellercolumbia.com, and we will make you part of the Bierkeller family. A hearty and heartfelt PROST! to you, Columbi-ja. A sincere Danke Schön for 2024. And a happy and healthy 2025. And beyond. -Scott
By Scott Burgess December 30, 2023
In Retrospect and Beyond...Day in, Day out.
By Scott Burgess November 14, 2023
Willkommen, Bierkeller Fans! How Y'all Been?
By Scott Burgess August 13, 2023
...the second-most frequently asked question we hear...
By Scott Burgess July 20, 2023
...and Other News
By Scott Burgess May 13, 2023
Simple (x 2)
By Scott Burgess March 26, 2023
"When will you be open...?"
January 7, 2023
OK, let us catch our collective breath....
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