A few months ago, we received a generous offer. One we could not refuse. A loyal customer hooked us up with a friend who runs a restaurant in Germany specializing in Franconian food. "Would you like to see if I can set up a visit where you guys can get some behind-the-scenes looks at how it's all done?"
"Would we?!?"
"Yes. Would you?"
"We would!"
And so after some wrangling and reserving and rearranging of schedules, we sent our head chef, Brent, and our head brewer, Justin, off to Franconia on Sunday.
What is the point of all this?
Well, as you know, at Bierkeller we always aim for authenticity. It's kind of our thing. And so we go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure it. We've done this with our beer for years. Decades really. And, so, when we realized after a few months of being open that we weren't a simple brewery with snacks, but a real, live restaurant, too, well...we knew we had some work to do.
And the only way to truly learn about the source of our inspiration is to spend some time there. So this offer was more than serendipitous. It was kind of a godsend.
As I type, the boys have just finished their first shift at a restaurant called the Schäufelewärtschaft in Nuremberg. We have them focusing on classics. Classics we make here. And are always looking to improve upon until we feel like we're providing the most authentic food and experience around. Thus, they are working on perfecting things like potato dumplings (Kartoffelklösse), Jägersoße (mushroom gravy), Jägerschnitzel (self-explanatory), and even new dishes such as Schäufele and Sauerbraten.
Meanwhile, they'll be roaming the streets trying out other classics such as Bratwürste, Leberkäs, Currywurst, and, of course, Döner.
And we plan to bring all of the knowledge and experience they gather from finally being at the source back to you, Columbi-Ja.
And to unveil it all with a new menu and experience, coming very soon (11 March, to be precise).
We can't wait to see what else they explore and learn. And we'll plan to keep you posted as we get updates. Prost and Mahlzeit, y'all!