We have some not-so-good-news, some not-so-bad news, and some better news. The not-so-good news is that despite our best efforts, we won't be able to make the 25 July soft open and VIP party date. We know that many of you have made plans to attend and were counting on this date. We tried everything we could, but circumstances just dictated otherwise. We're sorry and as frustrated as we know you must be. The not-so-bad news is that we are working hard to make the opening a matter of a few extra days or weeks and not months. But we also will not be able to make the planned 29 July opening. When we do finally get the doors open and the taps flowing (we want to wait until we know the beer is gonna turn out right before we set a final date), we will host a series of soft opening nights (and days) where everyone is invited to attend. During these soft opening days/weeks, the general public will be welcome to try everything out, and our Stammtisch Subscribers will be able to test the full experience with all the promised perks. Thereafter (the better news), we will host the full catered VIP and Stammtisch subscriber party we promised. We know this throws a wrench in the works for many of you. But we look forward to seeing you seated at your Stammtisch on your reserved days very soon, and then all together as we celebrate the culmination of this crazy journey. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us at any time. Thanks again for your support and understanding.
--Scott Burgess