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Of Biergartens, Belgian Cafes, and Boilers...

January 7, 2023

OK, let us catch our collective breath....

Whew. What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been, Columbi-ja. Between the tiring work of tiling walls in the style of Franconian brewhouses to setting up service areas to emulate Austrian monastic beer/dining halls to the more boring bureaucratic hoop-jumping required before we serve a drop of beer...it seems like we've been doing it all. And yet, there's more to do. For now, though, the main pieces are in place, the tanks awaiting their game of Tetris while we map out where final pipes are gonna fit, and the chairs holding out for their IKEA-style hex key assembly.

In short, it's still looking like end of March for a Richtfest/soft opening. So that's nice.

But progress hasn't been without its setbacks. For one, our boiler took a bit of a roughing up during transport. So much so that we're wary of its ability to function properly. If there's one piece of equipment I've been most tentative around, its these pressurized steam-heating behemoths. So we have been forced to find alternatives...and believe we have now done so. But testing (and cleaning and inspecting) is first in order. So we've been focused on that, too.

Fingers crossed. 

For something a bit more fun, we've let our imagination go a bit beyond our usual borders and stolen some more ideas. (Remember, friends: "great artists steal; mediocre ones borrow.") This time not from Teutonic taverns or monastic mess halls, but from another of our favorite hangout spots: Belgian cafes. Some of the details will have to remain under wraps for now, but imagine the canal-facing facade of our new Bierkeller brewery looking like a Belgian/European beer cafe. Relaxing views of Columbia's rivers from small(er) tables...cozy seating under canvas canopies...all for you to enjoy while consuming the freshest European-style beer/wine and food you can find east (and west) of the Congaree. Gets us pretty psyched and excited. How about you?

Not to worry, though: our traditional Biergarten set up will remain in full form along the plaza and under the trees.

So, in the interest of keeping, well...your interest...we'll end there for now. Much more still is in store, so stay tuned. And thanks for all your support, Columbi-ja. We couldn't be doing any of this without you. 


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